Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Polaroid Project

Selective Color

High Saturation

Black and White

Low Saturation

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Perspective Pictures

Worm view

Subject View

Worm View

Bird View

Subject View

Subject View

Bird View

Friday, October 3, 2014

Shutter Speed, Aperture, and ISO

Shutter speed: changing the shutter speed changes the amount of time the lens is open. A slower shutter speed would give a more blurry picture, and a faster shutter speed would give a sharper picture.

Aperture: the amount of light let into the photo; it controls the depth of field in the picture. A lower aperture number produces a blurry background, and a higher aperture number produces a deeper depth of field.

ISO: the level of sensitivity of a camera to available light. The lower the ISO number, the less sensitive the photo will be to the light; the higher the ISO number, the more sensitive the photo will be to the light.

Animal Morphs

The guppy was bred by humans. It is a representation of the brutal artificial selection process that humans perform on animals in order to achieve a "cute" product. The beagle and the goat were not sexually attracted to each other, but humans forced the action. Quite unfortunate.

The eleroo can be found in the Afristralian plains. It consumes mainly vegetation. It is prey to many fast animals, because while it can hop quickly, its head is unnaturally heavy and slows it down.
