The biggest inspiration I've had ever since I was little has been my dad. He's the male role model I've always had, and a good one at that. He maintains his integrity in everything he does, he is selfless, and he is deeply faithful, to his wife, to his kids, and to God. At the same time though, he's a fun guy to be at home with, he can compete at just about anything besides drawing, and he can make me laugh. He's shown me what it means to be a father and a man, and for that, he inspires me.
Country Music
Most people think it's just about trucks, beer, and girls, but it's way more than that. If I'm in the car alone, country music will be on. It can put me in a great mood or it can just make me in a deep and thoughtful mood. There's a song for every mood possible and sometimes when a particular person or friend isn't helping in a situation country music does the trick. There's just something about driving with the windows down listening to country music that inspires me to be the best person I can be. And, well, most of the songs are about a girl so that's pretty cool.
Warren W. Willis Camp
Every summer, I go to Leesburg, FL with other youth from my church for "church camp" which doesn't always get the best, or funnest, connotation. Warren Willis Camp, however, is beyond fun and incredibly inspiring. It's a collaboration of youth mostly from Florida (but limits are endless) that don't necessarily go to Methodist churches and may not even go to church at all but have come to just be themselves and learn a little about God at the same time. There's a crazy, outgoing, totally unselfconscious team of college kids that are the counselors for the week, teaching skills like ultimate frisbee and sleeping in the cabins with us. Aside from being so packed with activities and fun, it's an inspiring place as well. Every night, we have worship. A worship with a relatable, down to earth pastor, great songs, and youth that are passionate about their faith. On top of that, there's small groups usually twice a day where everyone is vulnerable and not worried at all what other people will think of them. The camp is made up of around 60 cabins, a fellowship hall, a cafeteria, lots of field, and a dock and a lake. There's a cross the size of a bedroom that sits on the lake and lights up a neon blue color at night and great to just go out on the dock and sit in silence every now and then. The trick is taking what I get from camp and taking it home with me, and most of the time it's inspiring enough to do that.

In my 17 year life, I haven't endured much, actually relatively nothing compared to most people. I have loving parents that have been happily married for 27 years, I've yet to seen a grandparent pass away, and I've never been diagnosed with a major sickness. My family has always been comfortable financially and I've always been given good education. In light of this, it inspires me to see people that have had to go through so much, and not even because of their own fault. It reminds me to keep track of the simple blessings in life and not get worked up over minor troubles. And when the day comes when something tragic does happen, I'll remember all the people before me that have struggled and persevered as inspiration and motivation for myself.
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